DIY Plastering Preparation.



DIY Plastering Preparation.

What most people forget to realise 'before' they start

their journey along the DIY plastering trail, is that it's

a 'very' messy job indeed. That's why it's called a

'Wet Trade'. There's a lot of runny, sticky, hard to

remove MESS involved in any amount of plastering.

Whether it's just a little patch you need to repair, or

a far bigger project. Your very first concern should be

'The Mess'. So wherever you are going to be walking

through at any time, (but especially the area where

you'll be working) you need to 'sheet-up'. You have to

find, preferably dust sheets, but any old bed-sheets or

curtains will do. Just so long as you protect the contents

of your home against random splashing and the inev-

itable 'Murphy's Law' taking over and causing you a

far bigger catastrophe than you ever thought possible.

If you're just a DIY plasterer, NEVER mix up your

plaster inside your house. Not that you can't be trusted,

it's just that plaster 'stains' badly, and it's almost

impossible to mix up without getting the odd spit and

splash somewhere. (Usually on the ceiling). So always

mix up your plaster 'outside' somewhere on a large

piece of plastic sheeting preferably, or large board of

some sort.

Above ALL, remember 'Murphy'. He's your worst night-

mare. He's watching your every move, and the moment

you let your guard down, he'll be 'in there' to make your

life a misery. You'll wish you'd never started that

'stoopid' bit of DIY plastering in the first place :-)

OK, I think I've made my point. Even professional

plasterers (worth their salt) will be sure to cover every

possibility of something going wrong, and will 'sheet-

up' thoroughly on every job.

Good luck.


(P.M Plastering)


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